WP1 - Feedstock preparation and provision
The aims of this work package are to supply CO2, and H2 (and CO) feedstock in qualities and quantities necessary for subsequent processing and to develop and prepare the industrial symbiosis and infrastructure at HIP to provide the demonstrator plant with CO2 and H2 (and CO) feedstock from industrial processes to produce at least 4000 t/a acetone. It will further map the current and projected future status of the availability of industrial CO2/CO feed streams and renewable electricity in Europe for fuels, chemicals, and materials production using the PYROCO2 and other CCU technologies.

WP2 - From feedstock to acetone: bioprocess development & optimization
The overall aim of this the WP2 is to optimize the PYROCO2 two-step fermentation process to produce acetone from CO2 and upscale the bioprocess to pre-demo scale.

WP3 - From acetone to marketable products: chem-cat development & optimization
WP3 focuses on improved chemo-catalytic processes, process integration, and intensification, with the objective to develop and demonstrate efficient and scalable processes to produce marketable products such as fuel ingredients and commodity chemicals and materials.

WP4 - Overall process design, industrial scale-up and demonstration
In WP4, the PYROCO2 process will be upscaled from the pre-pilot scale to the final demonstrator scale. This will be realized through designing, building, commissioning, and operation of the PYROCO2 TRL 7 demonstrator plant with the capacity to produce 4,000 t/a acetone with the corresponding downstream processing to achieve the production of liquid fuels and other chemical and material products depending on the requirement of the market.

WP5 - Process integration and sustainability assessment
The overall aim of this work package is to assess the PYROCO2 value chain concept with all its process steps and possible variants and alternatives. Thus, PYROCO2 will provide an overall design concept and based on this evaluate techno-economic, environmental, and social implications.

WP6 - Exploitation, Replication, Communication and Dissemination
WP6 includes all activities aiming at maximizing the impact of the project, ensuring the effective market readiness, dissemination, and exploitation of the project results.

WP7 – Project Management
The objective of WP7 is to monitor and manage the project's timelines, technical results, and resources, ensuring efficient coordination at all technical, administrative, and financial levels.

WP8 – Ethics requirements
This work package sets out the 'ethics requirements' that the project must comply with.