The key outcomes of the PYROCO2 project and the impacts beyond the end of the project include:
- Establishment of an industrial scale demonstrator operational by 2026 based on industrial symbiosis that will interconnect multiple sectors, such as medical and technical gas, fertilizer, cement, metallurgy, hydrogen, chemicals, polymers/materials sectors, and synthetic fuels.
- Providing significant reduction of industrial CO2 emissions through a highly efficient acetone production process, which is expected to reduce CO2eq emissions by about the 50% compared to conventional acetone production.
- Contribution to accelerate the transition of the EU chemical industry towards climate neutrality by providing an innovative, affordable, and clean process for producing platform chemicals, as well as a portfolio of commodity products.
- Demonstration of the industrial feasibility and cost effectiveness of the production of 4,000 tons per annum of acetone via the PYROCO2 process that will pave the way for the economically sound replication and further upscaling of the PYROCO2 process elsewhere in Europe.
- Contribution to the strategy adopted by EU for mitigating the excess of air pollution and therefore preserving the health of EU citizens.